A shiny new dictionary

The interesting point about this dictionary (and its USP) is that it's explicitly targeted at CLIL; a rather horrible acronym that always sounds to me a bit like a nasty disease, but actually stands for Content Language and Integrated Learning - or in other words, learning other subjects through the medium of English as a non-native speaker. It seems to have been a popular trend in ELT/ESOL in the past few years and has seen many of the dictionary publishers bringing out editions which include more subject-specific vocabulary. Most intermediate level learners dictionaries would discount words like aerodynamic or zygote on the grounds of frequency, but for CLIL learners, they're likely to crop up on the physics or biology syllabus so merit inclusion.
It's interesting too that Chambers seem to have bucked the trend on ELT dictionary titles and have gone for learners' dictionary instead of learner's dictionary (Cambridge, Oxford and Collins COBUILD all go for learner's dictionary, while Macmillan dodge the issue with dictionary for advanced/intermediate learners!) - are Chambers perhaps expecting groups of students to share a dictionary rather than having one each?
Labels: CLIL, dictionaries, lexicography