My trip to Munich last weekend went well. The trip itself
was fairly unremarkable, just standard, rather unglamorous business travel
without much time to see the place I was visiting. And sadly, without enough
time to visit the Oktoberfest, which is perhaps for the best as I’m not sure
that a large amount of beer is advisable when you’ve got two hour-long
presentations to deliver!
The event itself though, a whole day of talks on EAP
organized by
MELTA (the local English teachers’ association), was really good,
with a really interesting and interested audience, and lots of lively chat
in-between sessions. There was a very long day of back-to-back talks lined up,
of which I was doing two, so I wanted to break things up with a
bit of audience participation.
Photo by Vivienne Arnold |
In my first session about EAP vocabulary, I was talking
about three areas of vocabulary that students need to work on to develop their
personal academic lexicon:
1 core academic vocabulary (as typified by the Academic Word List)
2 more frequent words (that don’t make it onto the AWL)
which have specific academic senses and uses
3 specialist or discipline-specific vocabulary
So to kick off my session, I asked the audience to write
down on a blank card just one piece of vocabulary that they thought of as
prototypically academic and that they might choose if they could teach their
students only one word that would help them most in improving their academic
I did it as a way of involving the audience in the topic, but I was
also genuinely interested in getting some insight into their views and
intuitions about academic vocabulary. After the talk, while another speaker was
presenting, I very quickly typed the words from the cards into an
AWLhighlighter to produce some rather rough and ready ‘results’ to present at the
start of my next session. This is what came out:
40.81% top 2000 most frequent words
44.90% AWL / core academic vocabulary
14.29% off-list / “specialist”
according according advantage claim
claim consider development effect however however is opinion propose prove
purpose read studied towards argue discuss
analyze analyze approach conclusion conclusion consequently controversial
derivative emphasize focus function nevertheless perspective research research
structure subsequently summarize thesis topic whereas
enthusiasm essay essay panacea paradox reference
Interestingly, it quite nicely backed up my contention
that, while useful, just focusing on traditional AWL vocabulary isn’t enough and
that there’s a lot of apparently ‘frequent’ vocabulary that is also worth some
focus in an EAP class, especially where the everyday and academic uses of a
word, such as consider or argue, are quite different.
Photo by Vivienne Arnold |
It also threw up some interesting anomalies,
especially the fact that essay and reference, clearly two key words for EAP
students were “off-list” (i.e. neither in the top 2000 nor on the AWL). There
are explanations for this, but I think I’m going to save that discussion for
another day and another blog post …
It was a fun bit of quickie research though and
perhaps one that would be interesting to repeat with different groups of EAP
teachers to find out how they view what academic vocabulary is all about. It
was also a fun day and as ever, great to meet and chat to EAP teachers working
in a different country and context. Thanks to everyone for making me feel so welcome!
Labels: AWL, EAP, Munich, Oxford EAP, presentation, research, vocabulary